If you're in your 20s it's easy to like this album, you probably grew up with Alisha's Attic. It came out in 1996, when Britain was not very discerning about music (the Spice Girls were top of the album chart for eight agonising weeks), but Alisha Rules the World is not just an LP for those who want to reminisce.
It's a bloody brilliant pop record (in the best sense) on which almost every track is radio-worthy. I Am I Feel, Air We Breathe, Alisha Rules The World and Indestructible were all released as singles and tracks like Stone In My Shoe, White Room and Just The Way You Like It would probably have done as well.
Sibling harmonies are always pretty special and sisters Sharon and Kellie Poole's are no different, thier voices blend perfectly and they've taken inspiration from the the master of harmonic intricacy: Brian Wilson. Couple this thoughtful orchestration with seriously catchy melodies and imaginative songwriting and, in my book, you're onto a winner.
The one thing that may take some getting used to for the virgin AA listener is the lyrics: they're just so nineties. Jangling ankle chains, purple skirts and flickering candles are all indicitive of what a rubbish decade it was aesthetically. Lime-green velvet shirt, anyone? Thought not.